Release Repeating Patters Of Struggle In Only 5 Steps!

Release Repeating Patters Of Struggle In Only 5 Steps!
Learn Juliana's 5-step process to release repeating patterns keeping you stuck
How to make goals easy to maintain
BONUS: Get a meditation on "I Am Safe To Feel My Feelings"
BONUS: You will also receive a downloadable visual of the entire process, to make it easy to follow the steps!
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About Juliana Leamen
Juliana Leamen
Juliana Leamen is a Nutrition & Functional Genomics Practitioner. She helps women in midlife release weight naturally by unlocking the power of their own DNA.
Juliana is Board Certified by The American Association of Natural Wellness Practitioners, University- trained with a Masters degree in Science, Certified Functional Genomics Practitioner, Registered Bach Flower Practitioner and trained in human behavior.